
Top 12 Instagram Mistakes

Let’s consider common mistakes when managing Instagram, which are made by experts (SMM specialists, psychologists, coaches, trainers, etc.) on Instagram. These mistakes keep you from success.

Mistake #1 – Use only free promotion methods

Rely only on free promotion methods on Instagram or not promote at all. This is simply a waste of precious time.

Mistake #2 – Lack of strategy

Start profile on Monday and quit on Tuesday. Complain that subscribers do not grow and refer to the shadow ban. Be afraid to go to stories and broadcasts. Most people don’t succeed because they don’t finish what they start.

Ошибка №3 – Lack of a clear goal

Decide how much income you want to receive from Instagram. How many subscribers do you need for this? I recommend that you make a plan and strictly follow it. Chaotic actions without a clear understanding give random results and quickly exhaust.

Mistake #4 – No content plan for stories

For stories, there should also be a content plan. Ideally, there should be a daily story with an opening, climax, and conclusion that shows you from both sides: as a person and as an expert. Watch stories of experts you like and take notes.

Mistake #5 – Lack of hashtags in posts

With the help of hashtags, you can increase your reach to 40-50,000 per post and attract ten followers a day. The most important thing is to use the placement of the target groups in a staggered order, using on more than 28 pieces.

Mistake #6 – Missing Geotagging

Make a selection of geolocations that your target audience uses in their posts. Use geotags that are relevant to your topic.

Mistake #7 – Not using the Reels format

The Reels format has proven itself quite well and, with the right strategy, brings good coverage and new subscribers. Do not use the new format to promote your account and get customers.

Mistake #8 – Random Content in Highlights

Delete everything unnecessary from pinned stories. And leave only what may interest the reader. For example, it can be such headings: about me, services, cases, life hacks on an expert topic.

Mistake #9 – Irregular Posting

You need to write posts and regularly post them to your account. If the blog already has a target audience, we turn on the post for automatic promotion through the promote button. The algorithm will show the post to similar people.

Mistake #10 – Buying followers

Don’t buy followers because they will never buy anything. It’s always money thrown to the wind. And for a beautiful figure, all the more so, you should not do this. Always be honest with yourself and other people.

Mistake 11 – Do not reply to direct

There are cases when it is technically impossible to check the direct, but if everything works for you, then it is better to respond to messages from subscribers, as these are potential buyers. Engage with them, establish a trusting relationship so that when choosing whom to buy from, they choose you, not your competitor.

Mistake #12 – Lack of cases

Instead of customer reviews that no one reads, publish better case studies. I recommend that you format the workflow in the following format:

  1. What did the client come to you with – point A;
  2. What have you done, what difficulties have you encountered
  3. What did you come to as a result of your work – point B of the client.

Be sure to post a video or text review from a client. Such cases sell you themselves, because. one of the strongest sales triggers is involved here – social proof.


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