
Key principles for creation Instagram Stories

How to manage stories to maintain engagement at the proper level and at the same time sell successfully? Probably every Instagram business owner has asked this question. There are several key rules for creating stories, which we will consider in this article.

Basic design

Choose for yourself a palette of colors that you will use in stories (for background, text and dice). Decide on text fonts (1-2 fonts) that you will use on a regular basis. Create background fills for text stories in advance and save them to a separate folder in the gallery along with the palette.

Recommendations for angles

Try to shoot yourself from a different angle for each story:

  • Far – in full growth;
  • Medium – you can be seen from the waist;
  • Middle – only the face is visible;
  • Reportage shooting – someone takes pictures of you from the side in the process of some kind of action.

Combine different formats

Make different formats in stories to keep the attention of the audience. It can be:

  • Text stories on a plain background/fill;
  • Text stories in the background of your photos or the environment;
  • Video story talking head;
  • Video stories where you perform some actions;

Story planning

Plan your day in advance and think about what you will show in your stories. Think about what kind of expert information you want to say and how best to embed it in your stories. Ideally, expert content should be built into your day and linked to your current tasks and plans for the day.

First story

Must be engaging. It could be a survey/test. Create intrigue so that the audience is interested in watching the following stories. Tell us about your plans for the day and what interesting things you will show during the day.

The first story should be at the time when the most viewers enter Instagram. The best posting time is from 8-9 in the morning, while everyone is going to work, or from 11-13 in the afternoon, while everyone is having lunch.

Storytelling is the best tool

Remember the principle of the series and how they tell about the main character, what happens to him. In a story, you can tell what happened, as well as your feelings and emotions about it. Your plan of action, how you will deal with the situation, what you want to do.

To engage your audience in your storytelling, conduct a survey or multiple-choice quiz to see if you can do it or how it will end.

Don’t forget the end of your story! Tell us how the situation ended and how you feel about it.

In parallel, you can lead several storylines in stories. The story can complete in 1 day or last for several weeks (with breaks for current content), for example, if you reach your goal.

Combine themes

Everything is simple here. Mixing the following topics:

  • Your day – What’s going on, what you’re doing, who you’re dating.
  • Your goal – Where are you going, what are you doing to achieve what you want, at what stage you are now.
  • Expert content – Tips, life hacks, recommendations, mini-master classes. demonstration of your training, work process.
  • Selling content – We do it precisely when the sales windows are open. We do not sell on a daily basis.




Instagram highlights icons “Gold & Vine”

Instagram highlights icons (highlights) includes: 40 highlights format jpg

Black and White

10 $
The Templates for Instagram includes: 12 Instagram post templates (jpg, png); Editable all photos and text; Photos in the thumbnails

Light Blue

10 $
12 шаблонов для оформления аккаунта Инстаграм (формат jpg и png). можно редактировать(заменить) все фото и текст. Подробная инструкция по редактированию

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